Writing from my starry window-sill!
Hallo Again!
Yes, it is really me, Horatio Nelson; emerging from my lock-down to write to you of something wonderful I have been observing from my star.

Over the past six months CINDERELLA has been doing our weekly shop. Last week she went on holiday for a few days so it fell to her understudy to take over. So successful was she in this that I, Horatio Nelson, have decided she should be immediately promoted to a more important role – and she is now our FAIRY GODMOTHER.
What a pair of darlings Chloe and Jill of the Llandovery Youth and Community Centre, are! So attentive and kind to so many, from the very young to the really old!
To Chloe, and Jill – on behalf of the Llandovery Theatre and our very own ‘ugly sister’ I say – Thank you ! Thank you!
Horatio Nelson
Theatre Cat
27th August, 2020